Sustainable development indicators content index as per the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaOrder of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 764 On Approval of Methodological Recommendations for the Preparation of Sustainable Development Reporting dated 1 November 2023.

Indicator Page number/Comments Boundary
1 Revenue (or a similar indicator), RUB’000 Key highlights 1
2 Added value, RUB’000

2021 ‑ 236 776;

2022 ‑ 340 632;

2023 ‑ 249 320

3 Net added value, RUB’000

2021 ‑ 209 100;

2022 ‑ 311 093;

2023 ‑ 217 038

4 Total R&D expenses, RUB’000 Research and education 1
5 Labour productivity, RUB’000 per person

2021 ‑ 22 951;

2022 ‑ 28 697;

2023 ‑ 20 171

People development
6 Total accrued payments to government (except for fines and penalties), including, RUB’000:
  • Taxes and other charges
  • Social contributions
  • Other payments to government
Financial performance (in terms of income tax) 1
7 Total actual payments to government (except for fines and penalties), including, RUB’000:
  • Taxes and other charges
  • Social contributions
  • Other payments to government
Sustainable development indicators content index as per the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia 1
8 Share of Russian goods, work and services in the total procurement volume, %

2021 ‑ 97,07;

2022 ‑ 97,23;

2023 ‑ 93,24

(Share of local procurement - Supply chain)
9 Share of goods, work and services purchased from SME in the total procurement volume from Russian organizations, %

2021 ‑ 20,55;

2022 ‑ 20,26;

2023 ‑ 30,81

Supply chain
10 Sustainable investments (including green investments), RUB’000 Item not calculated
11 Investments into projects aimed at promoting the technological sovereignty and the structural adaptation of the Russian economy, RUB’000
12 Index of economic vulnerability of business and other activities to climate risks, %
13 Water consumption from all sources of water supply Environmental review 2
14 Recycled and recirculated water supply Environmental review 2
15 Total waste water discharged, including untreated waste water Environmental review 2
16 Water use efficiency (water use per unit of product)

Specific water consumption, m3 per tonne of products/ RUB

2021 ‑ 0,0010926

2022 ‑ 0,0007614

2023 ‑ 0,0010362

Environmental review
17 Total hazard class 1‑5 waste generation, including:
  • Class 1
  • Class 2
  • Class 3
  • Class 4
  • Class 5
Environmental review 2
18 Total hazard class 1‑5 waste handled, including:
  • Disposed waste
  • Decontaminated waste
  • Buried waste
  • Reused waste
  • Recycled waste
  • Reduction in waste generation
Environmental review
Indicator reduction of waste generation ‑ see the table below, data for indicator 18.
19 Emission load from stationary pollution sources Environmental review 2
20 Greenhouse gas emissions There is no 2023 data obtained with the methodology approved by Order No. 371; this data will be provided later 2
21 Total expenses for environmental activities, including:
  • Atmospheric air protection and climate change prevention
  • Waste water collection and treatment
  • Waste management
  • Conservation of biodiversity and protection of natural areas
Total — Environmental review
The data, including in the directions, can be found below in the table for indicator 21
22 Consumption of renewable and low‑carbon energy PhosAgro Group’s energy consumption, GJ3 see Environmental review
Renewable and low‑carbon energy consumption, %:

2021 — 1,29%

2022 — 1,26%

2023 — 1,24%

23 Energy efficiency: electricity consumption per unit of net added value

2021 ‑ 11,127

2022 ‑ 7,404

2023 ‑ 11,041

Environmental review
24 Total payroll expenses, RUB’000

2021 — 15 772,75

2022 — 20 484,43

2023 — 26 334,95

25 Total average headcount, including disabled employees, people

2021 – 11,845, including 43 disabled employees

2022 – 12,970, including 52 disabled employees

2023 – 14,290, including 69 disabled employees

26 Total average monthly pay, RUB’000 including:
  • By occupation group
  • By gender
  • By age group

2021 – 106.0

2022 – 128.8

2023 – 150.2

27 Total health and safety expenses, including average costs per employee, RUB’000 Total:

2021 — 3 841

2022 — 4 977

2023 — 7 435

28 Expenses on organising and holding social, fitness, recreational, and healthcare activities for employees and their families, RUB’000, % Total:

2021 — 1 357 500

2022 — 1 703 700

2023 — 2 195 200

29 Number of persons injured as a result of industrial accidents where lost time of one or more days was involved, including fatalities, people, %

2021 — 17; 0,14%

2022 — 8; 0,06%

2023 — 9; 0,06%

30 Total training expenses, including average costs per employee, RUB’000 Total:

2021 — 235 216

2022 — 271 872

2023 — 262 497

Including average costs per employee:

2021 — 13,6

2022 — 21,0

2023 — 18,4

31 Average training hours per year per employee by occupation group, units 2021 2022 2023
Managers 83,2 113,0 109,1
White‑collar workers 61,7 85,4 73,5
Blue‑collar workers 104,0 104,0 110,8
32 Share of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements in total average headcount, %

2021 — 100%

2022 — 100%

2023 — 100%

33 Turnover, %

2021 — 9,08

2022 — 7,29

2023 — 5,88

34 Total expenses on supporting social programmes not aimed at employees and their families, including, RUB’000, %
  • Charity
  • Housing
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Support of people in need of social assistance

2021 — 3 323 899

2022 — 8 900 952

2023 — 9 356 293

35 Availability of a sustainable development policy and/or other strategic documents in this area There is no separate sustainable development strategy or policy, as PhosAgro’s Strategy to 2025 integrates sustainability principles in all of its areas of focus
36 Number of Board of Directors meetings and the attendance rate Board of directors
37 Total number of directors, including age structure Board of directors
38 Number of the Audit Committee meetings and the attendance rate Board of directors
39 Inclusion into sustainable development (ESG) indices and ratings, number Investment case and credit ratings
40 Number of reported violations of the rights of indigenous peoples living in the Russian Federation Not applicable
41 Share of employees filling positions exposed to high corruption risks, % 0,3136%
42 Average hours of anti‑corruption training per employee, units Item not calculated
43 Number of administrative proceedings against the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates for corruption offences There were no anti‑corruption proceedings against the Company (in 3 years)
44 Share of female managers in the total number of managers, including members of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) People development, Board of directors
Table for Item 18 “Total hazard class 1–4 waste management, including by category”, kt / net added profit, reduction in waste generation
Item 2021 2022 2023
Total waste generation (all hazard classes), kt 132,422.01117 120,426.02977 94,626.727750
Change y‑o‑y, t/RUB '000 0.633 0.387 0.436
Table for Item 21 “Expenditures on environment protection measures”, total, incl. 2, RUB ‘000
Item 2021 2022 2023
Total, including 9,860,700 9,126,120 11 145 45
Atmospheric air protection and climate change mitigation 1,131,694 1,267,576 1,408,701
Waste water collection and treatment 2,085,932 2,234,548 2,453,407
Waste management 1,235,974 1,613,869 1,795,581
Biodiversity conservation and protection of natural habitats 0 0 0