Key highlights
PhosAgro Group takes a holistic approach to evaluating its performance across production, finance, environmental, social, and other domains. We believe that a successful and efficient business should contribute positively to society and make continuous efforts to reduce its environmental footprint. At all levels of the Company’s management, from the Board of Directors onwards, we maintain a steadfast focus on sustainable development and social responsibility. In 2023, we continued delivering strong operational and financial results inseparable from achieving our climate, environmental, industrial safety, and social development targets.

The Company’s revenue and EBITDA for 2023 decreased year‑on‑year, driven by the stabilisation of global fertilizer prices after a surge to historical highs in 2022, while the annual EBITDA margin remained at above 40%.This high figure reflects the growth in production of high‑margin fertilizers and primary feedstock, and a flexible sales policy of the Company.
2023 was a new record year for PhosAgro in terms of output and sales. The organic growth, driven by the successful implementation of our investment programme in previous years, enabled us to fully capitalise on promising opportunities, primarily in the Latin American and in the priority domestic market. The flexibility of our production systems and logistics ensured our ability to effectively meet customer needs across all product categories.
For more information on operational performance, see:
PhosAgro Group continued to progress towards achieving its goals in climate action, energy efficiency, waste management, and water management. In 2023, the emissions reduction targets and waste recycling and decontamination objectives outlined in our Strategy to 2025 were successfully achieved ahead of schedule.
In 2023, PhosAgro Group recorded no accidents, incidents, or fires across its facilities. The Balakovo branch maintained a zero lost time injury frequency rate throughout the year.
Employee satisfaction and loyalty within PhosAgro Group have been consistently improving each year, thanks to a well‑thought‑out human resources strategy, extensive social programmes, and an active communication policy. The average pay at the Group's facilities increased by 60% from 2021 to 2023, and in February 2024, an additional 15% indexation was implemented.
For information on sustainability performance, see:
Environmental review Industrial safety People development